
some words



It’s been a while, but a lot of progress has been made in programming and expanding the practice of my skills within that trade. For example, I recently started working on making a game, which was first conceptualized through development of a discord bot, then shifted to using react, which then shifted to using Unity. The first and third options being unfamiliar to me, but I have since learned how to use the tools.

The discord bot I programmed myself but ended up using it as a utilitarian tool of convenience instead of as a platform for the game. Right now, I have it fetching data from news feeds and the weather just for fun, but there are plans to expand upon it.

For the game, Unity made the most sense because atmosphere is important in a game, even though the plans for it are strictly 2D and is focused on using a terminal-like interface for the entire game. But I knew I could get the job done better without reinventing the wheel by using Unity. Knowing Java made picking up C# easy enough, but getting used to not having to program everything myself has taken the longest, just because I must learn the classes and methods unique to Unity.


My new quarter of classes start soon, and it involved the second half of learning Java, UNIX/C, and relational databases, which I am already familiar with. It’ll be a very busy quarter, but I’m looking forward to it.


New photos are up, but I have plenty that I still need to upload.

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