This is the first time I ever decided to do something big with my photos on one subject, and I think it’s a great first subject to make a project out of.
The shot location is in Eastern Washington and was on one long stretch of road that I ultimately walked along, because stopping the car every two seconds would have been very annoying. Especially with the fact that there’s really no shoulder to pull over on for most of the drive.
After walking and stopping over a period of 2 1/2 hours, I shot just over 100 pictures. Ultimately I culled it down to 35, then a few more with some help of a second opinion. While some pictures may be more striking than others, I ultimately wanted to have some kind of pacing involved like a story does. There’s highs and there’s lows (literally in the pictures) and I thought it would be interesting to integrate that here because I’ve never done that before.
The only thing I don’t like is that after making this series, I don’t really have a reason to take pictures of it again… but now I can just look at it and admire it for what it really is instead of a photo opportunity.
But we’ll see how it is when it starts snowing…