
astro gallery


Over the last week, I’ve been working on making a template version of this site so other users can use the photo gallery feature. It looks slightly different with more options than what you see here, as I tend to prefer less.

It should be ready very soon; there’s just a few things I need to address that are basic QoL features and then I’ll publish a link here and also submit it to be a part of Astro’s official template repo.

Outside of that, I’ve been shooting a lot photos and they all are very different stylistically. I’m still homing in on my style, so you’ll see a shuffling of photos due to this. Some that might be there now, may be gone tomorrow as I want a tight set of photos here and not just any photos. Each one needs to be some emotional evoker beyond being shot with intent. It just matters a lot to me…

rss: photos posts